再始動するSixh. では、歌にも満たないIBIの「声」や「吐息」を中心に据え、
The world of IBI is created by his graphic, fashion and music.
IBI expressed fusion of fashion and music in Sixh.band and then tried to express his virtual story with the soundtrack of “Sixh. OPERA”

In the new world of Sixh. his voice and breath stay in his music centrally and add Celtic idea as reality experiences to his fancy world view.
Pops is universal music that we love for a long period and we would like to express Pops with Sixh. rendering and mythology from Celtic culture.

角田崇徳 TSUNODA Takanori TAKT.INC.

2008年、ギタリストとしてMarBellを結成。hide memorial summitから始動、アルバム「Sister」をリリース。
同時期、DJとしても都内clubでAmbient / Electronicaを中心にプレイし、Tokyo Collection in Shanghaiのmusic selectionを行なう。2010年からは、h.NAOTO、gouk、MINT NeKO、Sixh.、GRAMM、HANGRY&ANGRY、PUMA等のファッションショーの音楽を担当。
Rock/Popsにおいては、水樹奈々、Gacharic Spin、℃-ute、Lc5、田村直美、Hangry&Angry-f、Doll’s boxx、wacci、LoVendoЯ等を手がけ精力的に活動中。
Born in 1981. Graduated from Keio University.
Composer, Songwriter, Guitarist and music producer.
Producing artists from 2005 and formed “MarBell” as a guitarist.
Performed on the stage of hide memorial summit and released album “Sister”. Around the same time played as DJ in Tokyo and managed music selection for Tokyo Collection in Shanghai.
Handled the music of fashion show for h.NAOTO, gouk, MINT NeKO, Sixh., GRAMM, HANGRY&ANGRY and PUMA from 2010.
Working with Nana Mizuki、Gacharic Spin、℃-ute、Lc5、Naomi Tamura、Hangry&Angry-f、Doll’s boxx、wacci、LoVendoЯand so on.